Hi everyone, we are getting a nice little launch together for you.  We are excited for these items to hit!!  Not only will the items be unique and enjoyable to wear, but the website will have a new flare as well.  So, stay tuned, because RUFFIANO INTERNATIONAL™ is bringing one of the widest ranges of merchandise in the Fitness Industry!!  Everything from Fitness Apparel for men & women, to Fashion accessories, Holsters for firearms made by BUCHEIMER™ & even traveling accessories and items for that special gym bag or luggage bag.  We are one of the Raw & Real Adventurers/Originals in the Fitness Apparel Industry & in the Leather Holster-Making Industry, including BUCHEIMER™, J.M. BUCHEIMER™ & BUCHEIMER CLARK™.  BUCHEIMER™ is literally one of the best and one of the Originals in the Holster Industry!!   Many have tried to imitate, but with no luck.  We are excited to be one of their exclusive dealers, and are super stoked to be able to offer you these fine pieces of craftsmanship for your firearms!!  We are not stopping, so be sure to follow us and like and share our pages on social media.  Giveaways coming soon!!